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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Rumah yang menyelamatkanmu pada akhir zaman/House Where You Will Survive the End of the World

House Where You Will Survive the End of the World? Woow.. this is cool.. super cool.. I didn't really know how this house works.. But.. Just chek It out!

Cute Japanese Bus


Kalo di negara kita, bus sekolah itu-itu aja dan terkesan sangat biasa, Jepang mengeluarkan inovasi bus sekolah yang luar biasa dan menarik.. SO.. chek it out! :)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

[Vid] Music From A Dry Cleaner: Epic Songwriting Session

Music From A Dry Cleaner
Have you ever heard a music that comes from A dry Cleaner? I thought you guys must have a washing machine. And things you know about washing machine is it's function for washing yiur clothes right? All people knows it! Huahaha.. But you know what? Di tangan Diego Stocco mesin cuci ini bisa diubah jadi mesin penghasil musik yang asssoooy... What are you waiting for? Chek it out!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Lets Visit Mercedes Benz Museum

Jalan-jalan ke Museum Mercedes Benz yuk? Belum pernah kesana kan? Kalo gitu, liat dari gambar2nya aja ya.. siapa tau kamu bisa mengahatinya *halah..So chek It out!

I just Wanna Say Hi! (By Admin)

Annyeong! Hello for all my blog visitors.. For you who came from local (Indonesia) or foregin country.. What do you think about my blog? Was it cool? Pretty? Interesting? :D Sorry for the late update.. I rarely open and post some entry to this blog last time. I have a lot of problem with school.. I mean, i have a lot of school schedule.. You know, eherm, I'm a new high school student right now.. Gyahahaha..:P and I'm happy for that.. Huahaha..
Okay, I just wanna say that I'm greatful because I have a lot of visitors that came from the other country.. Even local country.. I love you guys, and I'll try to write my posts with 2 language so you can understand it.. hehe (≧▽≦)

Oh ya.. For those who wants to give me any suggestion or 'Hai!' you can contact me at my twitter or my facebook . You can follow my twitter, or adding my at your facebook. It'll be nice to meet you. I'll be glad to replay any comments from you.
And please comment, and give a polling to the entry after you read it. You can also give a comment for my blog at my blog's chat blog. There's a huge thing to contact me right? Gyahahaha..
Okay.. maybe that's some things that i can say to you.. I'm happy for your visit..ヾ(´^ω^)ノ♪
 Bye! I'll try my best to write more post from now! Nice to meet you guys! 
Arigatto Gozaimasu, Kamsahamnida, Danke, Shie-shie :) (Bow.. bow.. bow..\(^ω^\)( /^ω^)/

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

[Vid] C.N Blue Covering (singing) songs In English

Yeeay! Who likes C.N. BLUE? *pointing hands up*. I love C.N Blue's songs such as Love Girl, Love, Intution, etc. Hahaha.. I Think all of C.N Blue's songs are REALLY GOOD. But, you know what? Thier english skills are pretty good! Now, i'll post some of thier preformance when they were singing English Songs, so you don't need to searching, bubbling the youtube, wkwkwkw. Anyway, I always collapsed when listening or watching Korean, *actually guys :P* singing ini english. Hahaha.. So.. chek it out!

Monday, June 27, 2011

[Vid]The Kung Fu Bear

Huum.. Pada suka Kung Fu Panda?
Kayaknya banyak yang suka juga ya sama tokoh kartun yang lucu dan menggemaskan ini. Dia terinspirasi sama Kung Fu, dan akhirnya.. u know lah..

[Vid]Ketika Korban Tsunami di Jepang Berada di Mobil

Judul dari posting asli dari video ini adalah 'Tsunami Japanese Inside A Car!' dari sebuah situs yang aku anggap menarik. Dan kali ini, aku bakal coba untuk menerjemahkan sedikit keterangan dari video ini, mengingat Tsunami Jepang yang baruu-baru ini terjadi.
Yu Muroga is a Japanese driver. It was his tour took place when the earthquake March 11, 2011. Like most people of his area, he did not feel threatened by the tsumani, as it was far enough from the coast. So he continued to drive and do its job. The HD camera mounted on the dashboard has not only captured the shock but also the moments that followed, where many drivers were stranded by the waters of the tsunami.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Tokyo's Cat Cafes [Indo/Eng Subs]


In Japan, cat cafes have become very popular since 2004 when the first cat café was opened in Osaka. There you can sit with friends, drink coffee or tea and at the same time you will be surrounded by 20-30 cats.
Di Jepang, Cat Cafe a.k.a Kafe Kucing telah menjadi populer sejak tahun 2004 ketika kafe kucing pertama telah dibuka di Osaka. Jangan salah, maksudnya Cat Cafe disini bukanlah kafenya para kucing, tapi disini kita bisa menghabiskan waktu bersama teman-teman dan keluarga kita sembari menyeruput segelas kopi atau teh, dengan dikelilingi 20lebih kucing-kucing lucu ini. 

Costum Terbaik Manakah yang Kamu Pilih?

Pada Event Marathon Tokyo Tahunan tahun 2011 ini, lebih dari 36.000 orang mengahdiri event ini. Dan tampaknya, hal ini bukanlah keharusan, tak sedikit orang yang ingin dan memutuskan untuk menggunakan Kostum. Dan mungkin, hal ini hanyalah di Jepang. Chek it out!:

[Vid]Cool Flying Dance (Anti-Gravity Dancing)

Whee! Emapt orang skydivers ini menunjukan koregrafi tarian mereka di Skydive Arena wind tunnel di Prague, Czech Republic. Musiknya adalah “Fot i Hose” by Casiokids. Chek It Out!


Source and thanks to:

Chinese College Student's "Washing Machine"

 Hidup sebagai seorang mahasiswa 'kere' *lolz* di Cina maupun di Indonesia itu nggak jauh beda. Meskipun kita sama2 negara yang masih berkembang, tapi kreatifitas para mahasiswa di Cina ini nggak 'berkembang', tapi 'Maju' lho.

Di tengah maraknya mesin2 cuci yang menggunakan koin, tapi mereka punya cara tersendiri untuk nyuci baju mereka. So, chek it out!

Hmm.. boleh boleh..  gakgakgakgak :D
Source and thanks to:

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Cool Google Logos

Emang ya, google tuh suka menerapkan logo2 keren di saat-saat tertentu. Kadang tulisan 'Google'nya nggak 'kelihatan' tapi emang kebentuk kok! So, chek it out!

Google Logos 

Google Logos 

Google Logos 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sunday, June 12, 2011

They're a photographer too yo know!

Hmm... Ternyata nggak cuman manusia juga yang bisa jadai photographer.. But they does too!

Weew.. It's real, and it's creepy.. (-__-!!)
Source and Thanks to:

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Innovative Kitchen Tools part 2

Kalo psting yang kemarin-kemarin itu penting nggak penting, tapi peralatan dapur kali ini bisa dibilang unik dan kreatif lho! Berguna juga, karena mungkin bakal kita pakai untuk kegiatan dapur sehari-hari.. So! Chio!
1.Pemotong Alpukat

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Animals in hilarious sleeping positions

Lucu banget ya binatang2 ini.. Hayoo.. siapa yang tidurnya kayak gini?? Chek It Out!

Michael Jackson's Thriller jacket to sell for £250k [Eng-Indo subs]

Akhirnya, setelah kepergian MJ beberapa tahun yang lalu, jaket yang dia pakai dijual seharga £250. Nggak yakin juga sih kalo di rupiahin berapa. Tapi kayaknya mahal deh.. Iya nggak sih?

275x250.jpg The famous red and black jacket worn by Michael Jackson in his music video for Thriller is expected to sell for £250,000 when it is auctioned later this month.Described as 'the most iconic piece of pop culture emphemera' to ever be auctioned, the jacket would be instantly recognisable to many people around the world.Bosses from Julien’s Auctions in Beverly Hills - where the item will be sold as part of a Music Icons auction - say it was also autographed by Jackson when he gave it to costume designers, Dennis Tompkins and Michael Bush.

Famous Albert Einstein Quotes

I like this a lot. You can make this as you Tweet or Facebook Status, and also you can apply it as your motivation. Okay? Sorry, nggak di translate ke bahasa Indonesia, karena menurut aku, ungkapan ini terlalu indah buat di translate, tapi kalo ada waktu lagi, nanti aku coba translate deh..
*my Grandpa.. :P
So.. Chio~!
·  "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

5 Most Dangerous Beaches in the World (Eng-Indo subs)

5 Most Dangerous Beaches in the World (5 Pantai yang Paling membahayakan), apa yang kalian pikirkan?Pantai memang indah banget dan cocok kita kunjungi saat liburan. Tapi 'Katanya', beberapa pantai ini cukup berbahaya juga lho! Chek it out!

1.Shired Island

in Florida, USA, was appointed in 2009 to the country’s most polluted beach. There is risk of irritated skin, meningitis, hepatitis and stomach disorders.
Pantai ini terletak di Florida, Amerika Serikat, dan dan sejak tahun 2009, pantai ini diangkat sebagai Pantai yang paling tercemar di negara tersebut. Katanya, disana kita bisa bereasiko terkena iritasi kulit, meningitis, hepatitis, dan gangguang lambung.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Beautiful Tulip Garden In Japan

Foto ini waktu aku pas lagi de Jepang kemarin.. (Boong!).. Hahaha.. Nggak lah.. Tapi emang keren bgt kok tamannya.. Huuh.. neomu arumdawoyeo.. :D CHIO!
Meski nggak di Indonesia, (nyyiiitt -__-), Tulip Garden nggak ahanya dapat kita nikmati Di Holland, tapi sekarang Japan mengepakan sayap indahnya.. (Halah..)..

Creative vs Innovative, but Imprtant vs Not Important

I really apreciate the people who invented this gadgets.. They're so creative.. Chek It Out: :D
Swivel  Seat For The Car

Hahaha.. keren sih.. Nggak kepikiran kan bisa buat benda begini? :D
Source and Thanks to:
-Amazing Only

Rainbow Snake

Meskipun NGGAK SUKA ULAR, tapi kalo warnanya bagus kayak gini, boleh juga tuh di awetin.. wkwkwkwk