Model of the first single-piston engine.
Diatas ini adalah model mesin single-piston pertama..
One of the first motobugs
Kalo ini adalah salah satu moto bugs pertama..
Gallery of cars that used to be modern.
Chain drive, springs - progress forged ahead.
Luxury cars - Limo Simplex on the right, 1904, 60hp with capacity of 9.2l. Benz 20 Laundaulet, 1909, 35hp, 5,2l, white Phaeton, 1908, 75hp, 10.1l.
The first modern car
Some details
Gallery of cars that used to be modern.
Chain drive, springs - progress forged ahead.
Luxury cars - Limo Simplex on the right, 1904, 60hp with capacity of 9.2l. Benz 20 Laundaulet, 1909, 35hp, 5,2l, white Phaeton, 1908, 75hp, 10.1l.
The first modern car
Mobil moderen pertama..
Some details
Younger cars on the lower floor.
The visit starts from the upper floor and slowly goes down along the circle. Each floor represents some epoch. On the walls are various multimedia and just informative signs. Here you may read about the creation, history and events related to Mercedes.
Kunjungan dimulai dari lantai atas dan perlahan-lahan turun sepanjang lingkaran. Setiap lantai mewakili beberapa zaman. Di dinding terdapat berbagai multimedia dan tanda-tanda yang informatif. Di sini kamu dapat membaca tentang sejarah, penciptaan dan kegiatan yang terkait dengan Mercedes.Mercedes-Benz 300, 115hp, 3.0l
The same but cabrio.
Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Coupe, 215hp, 3.0l
Probably more desired than the modern ones.
"Wheelhorses" are also demostrated.
Prototype models look like made of plasticine.
Model prototype ini terlihat seperti dibuat oleh plastisin
Race cars..
Mobil-mobil balap..
The way to exit
At the exit there are cars that beat the records of speed. This one with an airplane drive set the record of 600km/h. T80, 3000hp.
Di pintu keluarnya terdapat mobil-mobil yang mengalahkan rekor kecepatan. Seperti kemudi pesawat.
Uwaaaah post pertama setelah lama nggak nge post.. Maaf ya nggak semua aku translate, aku hanya translate yg penting2 aja.. hehehe.. maaf ya.. I'm in busy right now.. I'll translate later.. *kidding..
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