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Friday, April 29, 2011

Best Delighting Kpop Song and MV in The Morning

When you get up in the morning, and going to clean your room (especially on the weekend), I think you need some song that can make your spirits up! Come on.. Don't be melancoly.. Try to pick a delighting kpop song! Hahaha.. You know, i've been a kpop lovers since 3 years ago.. So, I think i can give you my opinion for some cute, relaxing and encouraging Kpop song.. So.. Chek it out! Hope U like it!

1.Love Girl-CN.Blue
The reason why I like CN.Blue, is because thier song was very catchy.. weew.. >,<

Download this MP3: CN Blue-Love Girl

2.If You Wanna-Kara
So.. girly..

Download this mp3:Kara-If U Wanna

3.Love Love Love-After Scool
I TRUNED THIS SONG for 234 TIMES! hahaha

Download this mp3:After School-Love Love Love

4.Twinkle twinkle-Girls Day

Download this mp3: Girls Day-Twinkle Twinkle

5.My Best Friend-SNSD
Download this mp3:SNSD-My Best Friend

6.No Other-Super Junior
Download this mp3: Super Junior-No Other

I Like this song and the boyband soo much..:D
Download this mp3: Shinee-Hello

8.Stand By Me-SS501
The first boyband that i like.. and i'm soo sad if they broke up..

Download this mp3:SS501-Stand By Me
9.Breath-Miss A

Download this mp3: Miss A-Breath
10.She's Back-Infinite

Download this mp3: Infinite-She's BackWeew.. What do u think? Don't forget to give polling ya! Hope It Can Help!

Source: Youtube, Mediafire, My Ear

Monday, April 18, 2011

=> My Little Message

Hy everyone! How r u? Hmm.. I just wanna ask for your support for me.. We just need a few days more until the National Examination.. So.. I think i can't write an entry more in this blog.. Hmm.. eventhough it's just for a few days.. I need your support guys.. Pray for me, so God give me a power and intensity to implement this Indonesian National Examination (UAN).. Weew.. my heart hears"Bump-bump-bump".. I felt nervous.. Help me God! Jesus! And i also wanna say thanks for u guys who had visited this blog! Oiya, don't forget to follow this blog, or my twitter okay! Yup, this is my little massage.. Miss ya guys.,.

Dinda Priscilla Ginting :D

Sunday, April 17, 2011

7 Binatang Termahal yang Pernah Dijual

Inilah 7 binatang termahal yang pernah di jual oleh orang.. (ya iyalah) Beuh.. ini seh, hadooh.. mending beli laptop kale..  Sudahlah.. Chek It Out:
1. Kuda $16juta
the most expensive horse16 million Most Expensive Animals Ever Sold Pictures Seen on
Green Monkey (nama kuda ini) dijual pada sebuah acara lelang seharga $16juta dollar. 2 tahun kemudian, si kuda malah pensiun after making about $10.000 in prizes.. ckckckck.. Kalo di Indonesia aja 16juta, belom pake 'Dollar' aja udh duit semua.. Gimana kalo kalo yg emang dollar.. jah.. mending beli Iphone.. hahahaha
2.Ikan seharga $396,000
438289the most expensive fish396000 Most Expensive Animals Ever Sold Pictures Seen on
Sebuah ikan Tuna Bersirip Biru seberat 754 pon berhasil terjual dengan harga $396,000 di bulan Januari 2011.
Sebuah tim vendor sushi di Hong Kong dan Tokyo membeli ikan ini dari pasar ikan Tsukiji Tokyo. Jah.. pantesan aja.. Ini mengalahkan rekor pada tahun 2001 yang seharga $267,067..
3.Anjing seharga $1.5juta
438289the most expensive dog15 million Most Expensive Animals Ever Sold Pictures Seen on 
Sebuah baron batu bara China membeli Big Splash pada bulan Februari 2011 untuk $ 1.516.819. Ini memecahkan rekor sebelumnya yaitu anjing yang paling mahal yang pernah dijual, juga seekor Mastiff, untuk $ 582,000 pada tahun 2009. ckckck
4.Sapi seharga $1.2juta 
438289the most expensive cow12 million Most Expensive Animals Ever Sold Pictures Seen on
Pada musim gugur tahun 2009, Missy si sapi Ponoka, dijual seharga $ 1.200.000 di sebuah lelang di Toronto. The Ponoka Morsan Farm di Alberta menjual "genetika susu elit." sapi mereka selalu terjual dengan harga tinggi, tapi Missy dijual seharga $ 800.000 lebih dari sapi kedua mereka yang paling mahal. Hm.. hitung sendiri ya.. 
5.Kucing seharga $41,435
438289the most expensive cat41435 Most Expensive Animals Ever Sold Pictures Seen on
Pada tahun 1998, seorang wanita membeli kucing Bengal bernama Cato untukseharga $ 41.435 di London. Seekor kucing Bengal adalah hasil perkawinan darikucing rumah peliharaan dan kucing Leopard Asia yang telah dibesarkan. 
6.Kumbang seharga $89,000
438289the most expensive beetle89000 Most Expensive Animals Ever Sold Pictures Seen on
Sebuah Stag Beetle 3inchi dijual seharga $ 89.000. Seorang peternak Jepang menjualnyal ke sebuah toko serangga di Jepang.Stag Beetles dijual sangat mahal karena mereka dianggap sebagai item kolektor di beberapa bagian dunia.  
7. Domba seharga $376,691
438289the most expensive sheep376691 Most Expensive Animals Ever Sold Pictures Seen on
Pada tahun 2009, seekor domba bernama Deveronvale Perfection dijual seharga $ 376.691 pada sebuah penjualan di Skotlandia. Sang Petani, Jerry Douglas, yang membeli domba ini, mengatakan Deveronval adalah domba yang terbaik yang pernah dilihatnya, dan dia harus membelinya. Penjualan ini mengalahkan rekor sebelumnya yang terjual seharga $ 334.293 di Australia pada tahun 1989.
Mau beli? Silahkan.. saya seh mending beli Ipad.. hahahaha

VN:F [1.9.7_1111]

Friday, April 15, 2011

Cute Food Maker

Talking about this cute stuff?? I like it sooo much! Imut2 dan Lucu2 lho! Kebanyakan emang orang Jepang yg membuatnya.. Japanese are awsome! Chek it out!

1.Simpsons Doughnut Maker
Simpsons Doughnut Maker
'Simpsons Doughnut Maker' ($51) dapat membuat 6 buah donat dalam beberapa menit. Sangat mudah untuk dibersihkan dan kita juga akan diberikan resepnyaaa. 

2.Mickey Mouse Mini Pancake Maker
Mickey Mouse Pancakes Maker
 Peralatan dapur ini memampukan kamu membuat pancake mini yang berbentuk kepala Mickey Mouse, tokoh kartun terkenal dari Disney.
Setelah kamu membuat adonan resep pancake favorit kamu, kita membutuhkan waktu sekitar 5 menit untuk memasak pancake ini. Kita dapat membuat 5 buah dalam waktu yang sama.
Mickey Mouse Pancakes Maker
'Mickey Mouse Mini Pancakes Maker' bisa kamu dapatkan dengan harga $23 di Rakuten website.. 

3.Circus Animal Waffle Maker
Circus Animal Waffle Maker
If you’re celebrating International Waffle Day today and you don’t want plain old waffles, you need the Circus Animal Waffle Maker. Dengan peralatan dapur ini, kamu dapat membuat 3 macam bentuk wafel favorit mu dalam waktu yang sama. Waffle maker ini anti lengket, dan kita hanya membutuhkan beberapa menit saja untuk membuat waffle dengan bentuk2 hewan sirkus yang lucu.. Hehehe

4.Hajimete Macaroon Maker
Hajimete Macaroon Maker
Tau Macaroon? It lho, patisseries dari Prancis yang kecil mungil, dengan bikuit warna-warni, yang luarnya renyah tapi chewy, dan dalemnya krim-y.. Weew.. nggak kebayang deh rasa manisnya yang imut. Makanan ini sih katanya sulit dicari, kecuali kalo kita seang beruntung, dan kita tinggal di sebuah toko roti di Perancis.. Kalo di kamus, yah katanya sih Serabi gitu. (lho? gak nyambung..) ya.. what ever.. forget it.. hahaha
Dengan Macaroon Maker ini, kita bisa membuat macaroon tiap hari bersama teman2 kita.

Macaroon Maker
Ya.. semoga petunjuk bahasa jepang ini nggak ngerepotin kamu2 yang tertarik dengan Macaroon maker ini. Karena macaroon maker ini cocok digunakan untuk anak yang berumur 8 tahun keatas dengan petunjuk orangtua. Dan hebatnya, Jepang sungguh tau kalo Anak+Oven=Bencana wkwkwkw.. Butuh bantuan orang tua nih..
. Japanese Hajimete Macaroon Maker
The Hajimete Macaroon Maker features:
  • Set for making macaroon deserts
  • Suitable for children aged 8 years and over
  • Includes: mixing bowl, guide sheets (with templates), spoon, scraper, piping bag (x2)
  • Instruction manual: Japanese
 Kita bisa mendapatkan Hajimete Macaroon Maker ini seharga $49 di Japan Trend Shop.

5.Cook Joy Pack Sandwich & Cookie Maker
Cook Joy Pack Sandwich & Cookie Maker
Bandai Sandwich Maker ini emang unik banget. Daripada kita bikin kue ato sandiwch yang bentuknya gitu2 aja, mending kita pake ini yang dapat membuat kue dan sandwich kamu terlihat unik dan menarik! Bentuknya macam2, ada Hati, Babi, Apple, Similing face, dll. Cocok juga buat party, dan bekal adik mu ke sekolah.. wohohoho

Cook Joy Pack Cookie Maker
Dilengkapi dengan kit yang lucu, yang berisi: rolling pin-style roller, interchangeable, durable rubber molds in the shape of a pig face, bear face, and apple along with swappable smiley face molds, a work mat dan storage bag. Itty Bitty Heart memungkinkan kamu nggak buang-buang makanan sehingga nggak mubazir deh.. hehehe
Cook Joy Pack Sandwich Maker
The Cook Joy Pack Sand Maker features:
  • Mold and roller set for making sandwiches and cookies with faces
  • Includes roller
  • Molds: apple, bear, smiling face, winking face, pig, heart, flower
Yak, bisa kamu dapatkan dengan harga $63 di Japan Trend Shop. Wuhuhu
Yah? Gimana2? imut2 ya?? Jadi pengen dech..

'Gembok' cinta di Seoul N Tower, Korea

Weew! So excited kalo bikin article tentang Korea.. Hehehe.. Well, pas aku lg searching, tiba2 ada sesuatu yg menarik dari negara ginseng Korea.. So, Chek It Out!

Seoul N Tower adalah highest point di Seoul, dan sejak beberapa tahun belakangan orang-orang sana mulai membuat trend baru dimana para pasangan kekasih (khusunya anak muda), bahkan yang 'single' sekalipun menaiki Seoul N Tower dan menggantungkan 'gembok cinta' di pagarnya.
Alhasil, pemerintah sana nggak bisa berbuat apa-apa, tapi mereka malah mendukung perbuatan orang-orang yang dimabuk asmara ini.. (halah)
Akhirnya, toko sovenir Seoul N Tower bahkan sekarang menjual gembok untuk mereka yang lupa membawanya. Mereka dapat membeli gembok tersebut dan menguncinya di pagar Seoul N Tower untuk selamanya.. (huduuw)
Tempat ini bisa diberikan rekor dunia sebagai tempat gembok cinta yang 'digembok' secara abadi tanpa diragukan lagi.. >,<

Hey!  There’s even foreigners like Dr. Cindy Leung!
kita dapat melihat orang-orang ini mengukir rasa cinta mereka dengan menulis dan menggantungkan surat cinta.. (Sooo sweet)

Trend ini menjadi begitu besar, hingga pemerintah secara resmi membuat 'Pohon' dimana orang-orang dapat menggembok gembok mereka dan mendekorasinya lagi dengan gembok yang lebih spektakuler.. Hahaha

 Ada yang naro bola pingpong lho! (Niat banget)

Tempat ini emang romantis banget.. Masih inget Drama Boys Before Flowers khaan? Kalo gak salah shooting-nya disini. Dan Seoul N Tower ini emang terkenal sebagai tempat yang romantis dan sering di pake Shooting.. hehehe

Ada sekitar jutaan buah gembok terkunci disini. Dan kalo seandainya kamu-kamu travelling ke Korea, jangan lupa tuh gembok your 'Love Lock' disini.. Nggak apdol tuh.. Dan ajak2 aku yaaa!!! :D


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Salah Parkir woooy!!

What happend with those people?? Lol!!

Parking Fails Pictures
Parking Fails Pictures (2)
Parking Fails Pictures (3) 
Parking Fails Pictures (5) 
Parking Fails Pictures (6) 
Parking Fails Pictures (8) 
Parking Fails Pictures (7)
Parking Fails Pictures 
Parking Fails Pictures 
Parking Fails Pictures 
So.. Saran saya sih, hati2 sebelum parkir.. lihat2 dulu lahan parkirnya ya.. :D

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

=>Blogger's Opinion 'What Happend to Indonesian Kpop Lovers??'

Huaaa.. Apa yang terjadi dengan kpop lovers Indonesia? Ya, I know, kita sekarang bermain dengan dunia maya, comment sini, diliat orang, comment sana, di liat orang, maka itu, hati2 kalo kita mengucapkan sesuatu di dunia maya . Okay, our topic for today is: What Happend to Indonesian kpop-ers??. Yup, aku bikin label baru disini buat mencurahkan opini aku, dengan memanfaatkan blogku ini. Okay? So, please jangan ada yg TERSINGGUNG ato apa. Cinta Damai! Cinta Damai! hehehe.. dan disini aku bersifat Netral ya, hohoho..

Back to the topic. Barusan (dan udah lama) aku buka suatu situs berita tentang asia2 gitu, khususnya Korea (Yeaay! my fav!). Hm.. aku tuh suka juga yang namanya kpop. Entah kenapa, aku sebagai warga indonesia rindu banget sama lagu yang upbeat dan ceria gitu, tapi kok belakangan ini aku jarang banget ngedenger lagu-lagu yang kayak gitu di blantika musik Indonesia ya? Dikit-dikit Melayu, dikit-dikit bahasanya agak kurang formal bahkan nggak pantas. Eiiitsss, tapi itu hannya sebagian aja kok. Masih ada banyak/beberapa yang aku suka dari lagu-lagu Indonesia. Tapi, 3 tahun belakangan ini aku terpesona juga dengan lagu2 Kpop.. huahahahaha.. komentar-ku tadi adalah sedikit kritik buat lagu Indonesia. But, let's go back back again to my last topic. Ya, jadi situs itu (Aku suka banget sama situs itu! >,<) ceritanya ngepost tentang Girl Band Indonesia yang baru. Dan pas aku lihat comment2 para netizen/pembaca di bawah, beuh, ada pro dan kontra gitu. Ada yang istilahnya 'menghina' dan ada yang 'membela', mengaku kalau dia sendiri malu menjadi kpop-ers indonesia. Jujur, ini memang memalukan ya. Yah, kenapa asal Indonesia bikin girl/boy band, pasti selalu aja di cemooh. Emang sih terkadang isi lirik lagu mereka terkadang (maaf) sedikit gimanaaa gitu, kata2nya mungkin kebanyakan orang bilang kurang bermutu, tapi ya biarlah mereka bebas berekspresi. Kita rindu sama lagu remaja khan? Well, they're trying to do it.. Jangan dulu di hina ato dicmooh, coba fikirkan kedepan.. Kalo mereka suksess? Go Internatioanal (mungkinkah?)? Kita bangga juga khan jadi warga Indonesia?? Belum tentu lho mereka nge-plagiat grupband Korea. Girl Band ato Boy Band itu banyak guys.. Misalnya: Ada Pussycat Dolls (huaa my fav too!), Westlife, ato nggak usah jauh2 dah, Tangga (lagunya asyik2) noh.. Khan? See? Think positif aja yuk! Toh, kita berfikir begitu karena emang Korea dulu yang bikin grup2 gitu. Hehehe..
Tapi untuk kamu2 yang mau bikin band. Saran aku sih, PLESAE lirik lagunya tuh.. Bikin yang bermutu ya! Lirik nggak harus berisi tentang cinta. Bisa tentang Ibu atau Persahabatan khaan? Jujur, aku juga suka banget sama yang namanya main musik khususnya gitar. Aku juga suka nyanyi dan suka nyiptain lagu. Tapi aku selalu berusaha gimana caranya kalo seandainya ada orang yang ngedenger lagu ciptaan aku sendiri, lagu itu bisa selalu terngiang dan diinget orang itu sebagai lagu yang indah dan bermakna (halah).. Ya, kalo Indonesia mo maju, kita coba introspeksi diri. Kita bukan orang Perfect, semua orang nggak ada yang Perfect. Aku nggak Perfect, Presiden nggak sepenuhnya Perfect, Taemin ngggak perfect (Halah), Nggak semua orang Korea itu perfect. WE're not supposed to bash somebody's performance. We're NOT supposed to do that! Pikirkan baik2. Ya, aku mengerti kalau kita ada juga yg bosen sama lagu2 negara kita, tapi setidaknya kita menghargai produk dalam negeri. Hehehe.. Dan semuanya kembali diserahkan ke diri kita masing-masing. Apa kita mau menerima saran ini, ato tetap di keegoisan kita sendiri, menganggap karya orang lain yang positif itu negatif. hmm.. Silakan pilih. Aku berkomentar begini biar kita semua nggak bakal malu jadi Kpopers Indonesia. Kita Cinta DAMAAI!! YEEAAAY!! We MUST Love Each Other!! Okay! sip sip sip..
My last word is.. Yah, mohon maaf kalo ada kata2 yang kurang berkenan, ato gimana. Ya, pendapat orang emang berbeda-beda, dan kalau seandainya seseorang tanya aku, inilah jawabanku.. Hanya mau ngeShare kok.. Nggak ada maksud apa2.. No bashing! Hehehehehehehehehehe :D

Salam, Annyeong! :D

10 Kota Hantu di Amerika

Ini adalah beberapa kota hantu di US, Amerika. Kota ini kebanyakan, berkembang dari waktu ke waktu. Ada berbagai macam alasan kematian mereka. Dan sekarang mereka hanyalah kota hantu.. Chek this Out!

Ruby, Arizona

Bodie, California

Centralia, Pennsylvania

Flagstaff, Maine

Virginia City, Montana

Cahawba, Alabama

Rhyolite, Nevada

Glenrio, Texas/New Mexico

Goldfield, Arizona

Gleeson, Courtland and Pearce, Arizona


The Legend Of 'Keong Mas' (Indonesian folk legend)

Huaa.. bingung neh mu nulis apa... Kayaknya blogku ini keliatan kosoooooong banget,, Ya sudah.. mending aku isi pake Folk Tale aja ya.. Ini di terjemahin ke bahasa inggris.. Lumayan buat baca2, dan nambah wawasan bahasa inggris.. Enjoy!
Legend of the Keong Mas Prince Raden Putra was married to a princess named Dewi Limaran. One day when Dewi Limaran was walking in the palace garden, she saw a snail among her lovely flowers and she had one of her servants pick it up and throw it away. The Snail was actually an old witch who had disguised herself as a snail. The witch was very angry, so she cursed Dewi Limaran and changed her into a golden snail and threw it into the river. The stream carried it far away from the palace.
On the side of a big forest, there lived a poor widow. Her living was only fishing. One day it was a particularly bad day as she didn’t catch any fish. Again and again she spread her net, but nothing got caught into it. At last she pulled up the net to go home. Suddenly she saw something shining at the bottom of it. It was only a snail. Nevertheless she picked it up and took it home. Its shell shone like gold the old woman had never seen such a snail before.
At home she put it in an earthen pot. She then went to bed and soon was fast asleep as she was very tired. The next morning when she woke up, she found to her amazement that the floor had been swept clean and there was some food on the table. She wondered who had done all this. She thought she was dreaming, but she was not. She thought and thought but could not think of anybody who could have been so generous to her.
Some days passed….…..she then got an idea. The next morning she took her basket and went out as usual, but shortly she returned to her hut and hid herself. Suddenly she heard a soft movement inside the earthen pot and saw the snail creeping out of it. It grew bigger and bigger and in a moment a lovely young girl stood where the snail had been. The empty shell fell to the ground behind her. Quickly the young girl swept the floor. Then she took rice, vegetables, meat, eggs etc. out of the pot and began cooking.
When the old woman saw all this, she noticed that it was not an ordinary snail she had caught, but a person who lived under a spell, and she knew what she had to do to break it.
She crept stealthily to the empty shell, took it, and then rushed out of the hut to throw it into the river. Now she had broken only a part of the spell, and the rest of it must still be broken before she could return to her husband.
The young girl then made herself known to the old woman.
“I shall pray to the gods that the prince might be led to his place,” said the old woman.
Many years passed by…….
The king persuaded his son to look for another bride, but at first Prince Raden Putra refused as he could not forsake his wife. In the end, however, the prince asked his father if he could go out to find a bride, but one who was a look-alike of his former wife. An old faithful servant accompanied him on his trip.
They went from town to town and from village to village until one day were travelling through a big forest and they lost their way. Finally the men came to a big river and not far from it they saw a hut. They went to it to ask for some food and drink as they were hungry, thirsty and dead tired. The old woman welcomed them warmly. Raden Putra found the meal served by the old woman excellent. She told him that her daughter had prepared it. Raden Putra then asked whether he might meet and thank her daughter. The old woman had no objections and called her daughter to come out. The young girl appeared and knelt down in front of Raden Putra with her head bent.
When Raden Putra saw her, he caught his breath in great surprise as the young girl looked exactly like his former wife princess Dewi Limaran. “You are the bride I’m looking for!” he cried out. But the girl shook her head and said that she had made a promise : when a man wanted to marry her, he had to obtain the holy gamelan ( Javanese orchestra) from heaven which could make music without being touched.
Raden Putra was willing to try and went out into the forest. He then fasted and meditated. After a hundred days the gods heard and granted his wish.
On their wedding day the holy gamelan played its heavenly music. It was so beautiful that every person who heard it felt happier than ever.
The young girl than revealed her secret, that she was Dewi Limaran herself. The music of the gamelan had broken the evil witch’s spell.
The old woman had been invited to remain in the place. Now she had everything she wanted and sorrow had left her forever.
And They live happily ever after.. hehehe
As told by Mrs Kusamadewi


Monday, April 11, 2011

When K-pop boys being girls..

Oh no! What happend with'em? Hehehe.. Just for fun.. I'am Coming back agaain!! Wuhu.. ssoooo miss ya guys since i'm ill last last last sunday.. This means, a can't update more wierd articles here.. but.. Now, I'll try to paste my best 'Kpop girl wannabe' collection, so u don't have to search it on youtube (my fave) yeeaay.. Okaay.. Chek this out!

1. Nobody-Wonderboys (Shindong,Seungri,Sungmin,Taemin<3,JoKwon)

2. So Hot(wonder girls) and Girls Generation song(I don't really know hehehe)
Open by your self please.. click on this link.. >,< (mianhae)

3. Genie(SNSD) Taemin, Taecyeon, Key,MC Mong and Wooyoung


5.Gee(Super Junior-SHINEE)

6. Bonus for the packet: hehehe

Okaay.. that's it for todaY.. my body feels tired.. hahaha.. I'll wait for yr COMMENT and don't forget to FOLLOW and POLLING my blog and this entry.. See ya Guys! Pray 4 me! :D

Source: YOUTUBE (Yeaaah!!)